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Topic search, auto-decline, see RSVPs, notes template, and more

Hi there,

We released a bunch of Remeet updates this week and would like to summarize the most important changes for you. We much appreciate any feedback.

New features / major changes:

  • Topic search — now you can search topics. We index titles, notes, and transcriptions. Private and sensitive topics are searchable only by those who were explicitly added as required or optional participants.
  • Auto-decline one hour before the sync hour — if you have no topics scheduled with you, we will auto-decline the sync hour and send you a notification 60 minutes before the start. Previously you were receiving cancelation only about 15 minutes before the start. You don’t have to wait that long anymore. Note that the schedule is still finalized 15 minutes before the start, and you can even re-accept auto-declined sync hours if you need it.
  • See all RSVPs for every week —- we were showing a small widget with accepted/declined users for every sync hour. Now it is clickable and opens a popup with RSVPs for every user. There is also a “View acceptance” menu action on the “Remeet RSVP/manage” screen.
  • Filtering-out sync hours that you have declined — you will no longer see weekly sync hours that you have declined on the Upcoming tab. You can still see them if you select “All topics”.
  • Topic notes template — now you can create topic notes template for repeating topics. Button to edit template is next to topic recurrence dropdown.

Small improvements & bug fixes:

  • [Bug] Office 365 Calendar users had issues with “Remeet reservation” not disappearing after sync hours were finalized.
  • [Bug] Multi-level bullet/number lists are now working in notes editor
  • [Improvement] Now you can schedule 25, 35, 40, 45, and 50 minute long topics. We still recommend scheduling a series of smaller topics where possible.
  • [Improvement] You can schedule urgent repeating topics. Previously next occurrence’s priority was downgraded to Normal. This is still the case with Emergency topics.
  • [Bug] For topics that aren’t scheduled due to required preparation, we are now showing correct status on slack. Previously it was showing invalid “no matching sync hours” message
  • [Bug] Topics that required preparations sometimes were not scheduled even when everyone was ready.
  • [Improvement] Vertical scrolling for topics that have past & upcoming was improved.
  • [Improvement] Very long topic notes (3000+ characters) won’t be posted to slack channels anymore. You will still be able to see them on Remeet.
  • [Bug] Completed tab wasn’t showing all the topics when filtered by slack channel

Please let us know if you have any questions, or if you have problems with any of the changes.

Thank you for continuously providing your feedback. We prioritize our backlog based on how often we hear about the same thing from you.

Remeet Team

Posted by Gene Padaliak
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